Chats Exporter

Coming soon

Effortlessly export and archive your LiveChat conversations with our Chats Exporter tool. This powerful application allows you to:

Effortlessly export and archive your LiveChat conversations with our Chats Exporter tool. This powerful application allows you to:

Whether you need a full JSON backup for detailed record-keeping or a concise CSV overview for performance analysis, Chats Exporter simplifies the process of extracting and preserving your valuable chat data.

How it works

  1. Open the app
  2. Choose your filtering options (Groups, Date Range, Tags)
  3. Select the desired export format (JSON or CSV)
  4. Enter a file name when prompted
  5. Wait for the app to download and process the chat data
  6. Your exported file will be saved in the chosen format


Does Chats Exporter support licenses created in the Frankfurt data center?

Yes, Chats Exporter supports licenses created in Frankfurt data center - requests are called directry to appropriate API address.

How do you process the license's data?

Our Chats Exporter application processes data with utmost respect for your privacy and security. Here's how it works:

  1. The app directly connects to the LiveChat API using your account credentials.
  2. It retrieves chat data based on your selected filters (date range, groups, tags, etc.).
  3. All data processing occurs locally on your computer - our servers never see or store your chat content.
  4. The app then formats the data into your chosen export format (JSON or CSV).
  5. The resulting file is saved directly to your computer's storage.

This process ensures that your sensitive chat data remains under your control at all times. Our servers do not have access to, transmit, or store any of your chat content or customer information. The app acts as a secure bridge between the LiveChat API and your local system, maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of your data throughout the export process.

We use to log errors and Google Analytics to monitor application usage.

Do you accept ideas for new features?

Sure! Start a chat with us and tell us about your idea.


Questions? Need help?