Advanced Group Manager

Managing license with multiple groups is very time consuming. Even a small change, with dozens of groups, can take many hours. We decided to make the work of administrators working with LiveChat easier.

Our tool, Advanced Group Manager, allows you to:


To install Advanced Group Manager application, go to LiveChat Marketplace, sign-in to your LiveChat account and complete the purchase process.

After successful installation, you will find a new icon in the LiveChat Agent App Navigation - AGM.

Agent app menu with highlithted AGM icon

Duplicate a group

To open Advaned Group Manager, click on AGM icon in LiveChat Agent App Navigation.

Advanced Group Manager application screenshot

Press the "duplicate" button next to the group name you want to duplicate.

Group row with highlithted duplicate button

Choose a name for the new group and choose the settings you want to copy, then click "Duplicate" button.

Duplicate group modal

Copy a group

Press the "copy" button next to the group name from which you want to copy the settings.

Group row with highlithted copy button

Select the group to which you want to copy the selected settings.

Copy group modal


Does Advanced Group Manager support licenses created in the Frankfurt data center?

Yes, AGM support licenses created in Frankfurt data center - requests are called directry to appropriate API address.

How do you process the license's data?

Our application only processes configuration data - chat widget settings, agents list, language phrases, chat-surveys configuration. Advanced Group Manager does not have access to or process customer data or chats history. All data are passed directly to LiveChat Platform APIs - we do not save data in any database.

We use to log errors and Google Analytics to monitor application usage.

Do you accept ideas for new features?

Sure! Start a chat with us and tell us about your idea.


Questions? Need help?